
September Membership Report

Welcome new members Tony and Carol Gentry of Avon and Mike Blackwell of Indianapolis.  The Gentry’s are Family Members. Mike has been involved in our racing program and is joining as a Race Fellow.

The last New Member Orientation session of the season will be held on Sunday, September 18th. Meet Christy in the upper shelter house to learn more about ECSC. This is also a good session for any prospective members to learn more about the club and the steps involved in becoming a member. So spread the word.

Along that line, anyone joining after 9/1/16 will pay only the initiation fee for 2016 ($1,000). They will be able to enjoy the club for the rest of the season and more than likely, our Harbormaster will find a wet slip for them to use for the remaining months. This works well for those who may have been thinking about joining and haven’t yet pulled the trigger.

Three chances left to join in the social activities – The Labor Day Cook out on 9/5 at 3:30, the Chili Cook-off in October and the Final Bash in November.

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