Whatever happened to spring? The last spring weekend was perfect weather. Kay and I truly enjoyed our last spring Sunday cruising around the lake. The spring racing series ended with ideal sailing weather – strong winds right out of the south. It was perfect for those long, challenging windward-leeward races.Summer is already here with a host of activities. Youngsters are learning the fine art of sailing. Cruisers will be out in force. Racers start the summer racing series. We have big social events for the fourth of July and the infamous beach party. Come out to the club and have some fun.Our Grounds Committee has been active in trying to do a little more maintenance this year. There may be a few times where parking spots or other areas are marked off or not available due to construction. Plans are approved for some additional lighting, lower shelter repairs with new concrete floor, post repair for the upper shelter deck and stairway, and additional rip-rap along the shoreline. Hopefully, it will not be too inconvenient as this work progresses. Please honor any roped off areas and give a word of encouragement to committee members Mark Walker, Kenny Chapman, and Tom Moore.Some members have become aware of proposals by the Hoosier Mountain Bike Association (HMBA) to use Eagle Creek park to develop bike trails on either side of the cove. Initial plans showed bike trails running within a few feet of the upper parking area and our clubhouse. It is a little unclear just how far these plans have progressed, so we have expressed specific concerns to HMBA and to the Indy Parks Eagle Creek leadership. HMBA leadership offered to meet with us at our shelter at 7:00 PM, Tuesday evening, July 25. This should be a good opportunity to get more information and discuss any concerns members may have.So now back to the fun part. Let’s go sailing and have a few parties. It’s summer time at ECSC. Be safe, sail fast, and have fun.Larry Conrad
Hello Members,
I want to thank Amy Miller and her crew for their hard work in pulling off the Father’s Day Brunch! As usual, our grill master, Tony Rice, served up a nice spread.
For the 4th of July, we welcome back Steve and Sarah McQueen as our host and hostess along with Kevin Harrell who will prepare the smoked pig for our ECSC Family and Friends. He starts smoking the pig in the late hours of July 3rd so if you are at the club, be sure to stop at the upper shelter and thank him and his team for pulling an all-nighter so we can have a feast on the 4th! The festivities will begin at 4:30 so bring your appetite and a dish to share!
There are still opportunities to volunteer as crew at any of our upcoming events. Please give me a shout if you have an interest in earning some work credits while having fun helping with an event.
Save the date for the upcoming Lobster Fest to be held on August 19th at 6pm. Eric will be sending out evites again so you can make your reservations and payment at the same time electronically.
Vickie Greenough
No article Submitted
Good day to all Eagle Creekers,
We have had many of these beautiful days (except for some rainy ones). As we are nearly halfway through the season, if you haven’t moved your trailer to the upper lot yet, it will be moved next week. We have a few more abandoned boats (dinghys) on the lot with no stickers and no way of owner ID. The purpose of the stickers is to determine ownership. it also makes sure your boat isn’t hauled off or sold.
This is a real marina now and it isn’t a boat storage yard like it was for years. Any boat without stickers will be trashed or sold since we have no way of identifying the owner. If you have not paid dues in 6 months or more your boat becomes ours according to Indiana state law. Please address this issue if you have a non-stickered boat at the club because you may never see it again in a few weeks.
Those of you that don’t feel the need to post your new stickers may find your boat in a new location and I may be calling you. Please follow these club rules and do not think for one minute that you can do as you please because it will not be tolerated. If you do not put the proper current stickers on your boat and trailer I will move your boat to the worst spot available in the club and lock it up until you work with the harbormasters according to club rules.
All dry sailors will be afforded the best dry slips available as a real marina should do. The less you sail your boat the further East your boat is going to be positioned. Those of you with multiple boats should check on them on a monthly basis, any damage is your responsibility.
As you head toward the pressure washer the dry slips on the left are for large boats with large rigs, please do not put a small boat and trailer there because it will be moved. The dry slips on the right are for dry sailing dinghys. The dry slips further East are for smaller boats easily parked or just not used much. Again if you have questions with this plan please call me and I will explain it to you.
Weekly Series Update
We continue to have challenges with the weather on Wednesday nights, but so far, we’ve been able to run 9 races of 11 races. The Spring series will end on Wed June 28. On July 5, we will start the Summer Series.
Sunday races are still a challenge as we haven’t had any Sunday races since May 14. If you have any suggestions on how to make Sunday racing more appealing, I’d love to hear them.
Flying Scot Regatta Results
Our annual Flying Scot Regatta was a great success. We had 12 boats with 10 of the boats coming from out of town. We had perfect weather for a long north-south course. Rich Fox was the PRO and did an outstanding job. We managed to get 4 races in on Saturday. Competitors were treated to root beer floats after a hard day of racing, followed by a great BBQ dinner from Squealers.
Sunday’s weather was similar to Saturday. We got another 2 races in before calling it a day. Here are the race results. Congratulations to Chuck and Nancy Goff for sailing in their first Flying Scot Regatta.
Skipper Crew Club Total Place Tyler Andrews* Cody McCoun Deep Creek YC 9 1 Bruce Kitchen* Lynn Kitchen Cowan Lake SA 22 2 Andrew Fox* Doug Fox Birmingham YC 23 3 Frank Gerry* Marianne Gerry Clinton Lake SA 27 4 Bronson Bowling* Rachel Bowling Carlyle Lake SA 32 5 Ben Williams* Tom Yeagle Clinton Lake SA 35 6 Eric Bussell* Perry Cameron Clinton Lake SA 37 7 Ryan Malmgren* Stacey Rieu Ephraim YC 48 8 Eric Sutton* Marshall Akers Carlyle Lake SA 52 9 Geoff Endris Tom Moore Eagle Creek SC 58 10 John Casada* Paul Dixon Carlyle Lake SA 64 11 Chuck Goff Bill Grant Eagle Creek SC 67 12 * Denotes non-club member
Next up: ECSC Regatta and Beach Party
The ECSC Regatta is scheduled for July 8-9 with the newly resurrected and highly acclaimed ECSC Beach Party scheduled for July 8. Bruce Berner is the PRO for the regatta and is looking for volunteers to help out on Race Committee. RC Volunteers get to attend the Beach Party for free and get this really nifty soft sided cooler in their choice of colors.
The beach party was a huge success last year with over 160 attending. Nick Mates promises to put on another great event this year. The meal will be catered by Stacked Pickle, with tunes from local band “Dwight Lightning and the Conch City All Stars.” It is sure to be a great event. Tickets are $10 per person, which pays for dinner, drinks and dancing. You can buy a commemorative T-shirt for $15. Folks it doesn’t get much cheaper than that. You will need to register and pay in advance just like the LobsterFest.
Go to this site to register. http://www.regattanetwork.com/event/15069. Registration fee for the regatta competitors is $70 and includes 2 full meal packages (2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 1 dinner). Extra meal packages for extra crew are available for $20 each. Event T-shirts are available for $15 each. Be sure to pre-order a shirt to make sure you get one in your size.
Non-racers should go to the same site, register as a non-competitor and purchase additional meal tickets ($10) or event T-shirts ($15).
Race Committee Boat Motor Update
On Friday June 23, we took possession of a new 30 HP Honda outboard motor and had our other Honda 30 HP outboard serviced. We will replace the damaged motor on the Aircraft Carrier and use the damaged motor for spare parts.
Race Committee Signup
We only have 1 race covered in the Summer series so far., so be sure to go to the RC Signup page to sign up for RC duty. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084ca9ac22a4f58-2017
Welcome to five new members in the month of June. Several are on the wait list for slips so if any member finds they will not be using their slip during the 2017 and wishes to sublease the same, please contact Harbormaster, Dennis Robertson.Clarence (CR) and Lynn Reames from Brownsburg, They have a 25 sail boat named ‘Smoke on the Water’, a Hobie and a kayak.Robert and Mary Vaughn of West LafayetteToby and Gale Leitzman of Indianapolis sailing a 25’ MacGregor named ‘Three Anns’.Eric Bretzman and Shelley Stine of Indianapolis with a Prindle 19.Kathy Lay and Peg O’Grady of Indianapolis who are presently searching for a boat.The next New Member Orientation will be held in the upper shelter house on Sunday July 16th at 1:00 pm.At their June meeting, your ECSC Board voted to purchase an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This AED will be mounted on the east side of the Racing Shed and will be available to all members for use if needed. This is a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias and is able to treat them through defibrillation. The device will talk a responder through the necessary steps. AED’s are safe and simple enough for anyone to operate. Also the Good Samaritan laws cover well-intentioned use of public AED’s by lay people nationwide. This will be a welcome addition to our club.Two great events are coming up soon and all members are welcome to attend. The July 4th Pig Roast is the afternoon of the 4th at 4:30. Please plan to attend and bring your favorite covered dish to share. Then soon thereafter is the Beach Party, the evening of Saturday July 8th. This will be catered so a head count is needed and the cost is $10@. Notify Nick Mates if you plan to attend.
Another successful ECSC Junior Sailing camp is in the books with 50 students attending the camp between the two weeks! The weather was some of the best we have had for camp in a while, and all the kids had lots of fun AND learned a lot about sailing. As hoped, we were able to conduct camp operations pretty much at the new Junior Sailing pavilion, which made it nice for both the camp staff & campers, as well as any members who were using the club facilities. This has been a great addition to the ECSC club grounds, and doubles as a junior workout area the rest of the summer. The kids are already looking forward to next years camp, and we have a few campers interested in taking additional lessons. That’s one of the main goals of this camp is to introduce youngsters in the area to this sport and hoping they get a bit of the sailing bug, helping the future of sailing as a whole. Who knows, one of these kids could be a future regatta winner for ECSC Junior Sailing!The ECSC Junior Team is in full regatta mode, competing in 5 regattas last month, and three including I-LYA Junior Bay Week in July. We wish the team good luck at the upcoming regattas! Reagan Lessick is the only competitor from ECSC going to Junior Bay week, if you want to keep track of progress of the week long regatta results will be posted on Notice of Race here. Happy Sailing!