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Commodore January 2018


It’s that time of year again!  Racing is done for the season, and most of our boats are on their trailers for the winter. It was a productive and fun year at ECSC!  Our Board, committees, and members accomplished a LOT this year.  Most notably, the lower shelter was nicely refitted with new support columns, and a concrete pad was poured under it to make it sturdy and safe for many more years. Cleanup continues around the lower shelter, and we hope it will be an inviting place for our members to utilize next year.  We also installed new LED lighting in our parking corral and at the boat ramp to provide a safer environment overall.    Additional rip-rap was added at the waterline between docks which will help prevent erosion.  These are just a few of the items completed alongside the many jobs that require the time and effort of all of our members every year to keep our club going strong. I would like to thank everyone who assisted for their service contributions this past year and encourage all members to keep it going next year.

Many of our services at the club are seasonally funded and have been discontinued until April of 2018. This includes ice machines, lawn service, and trash removal.  Please keep this in mind if you are at the club this winter, and please place your trash in the big dumpster or take it with you to dispose of at home.  The water has also been turned off for the winter, and the upper bathrooms are locked for the winter season.

Recently E.C.S.C. joined Yachting Club of America.  This gives us reciprocity benefits with over 700 clubs throughout America which club members can take advantage of while traveling next year. Information on this association can be found at  We also still maintain our membership in I.L.Y.A.

Have a safe and happy holiday season with family and friends!
Mark Walker

Commodore – ECSC

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