
Social – July 2023

I hope you have enjoyed our events thus far.  You may have noticed that we are trying to include some vegetarian options in the mix.

Big thank you to Nick Mates and crew for arranging a very successful Beach Party!  The weather was perfect for the evening.  

Food was catered by City Barbecue the Whole Hog did not disappoint. 

Our next event is Labor Day Kickoff.  Please note this event will be on Saturday evening the weekend of Labor Day in hopes to allow for extra time on the water!  We will have a DJ so put on your dancing shoes!  The club will provide the main course and beverages and we ask that attendees bring a dish to share in true pitch-in fashion. 

We are also beginning our planning for the annual Lobster Fest.  We have been able to keep the cost to members down in the past, however with the rise in cost of both Lobsters and Steak, we may need to increase the cost this year.  Stay tuned for more information.

Below is a quick snapshot of the remaining season’s events.  Those in bold font require RSVP and Pre-payment.  More details to come closer to the events.


 Labor Day – Saturday, Sept 2nd – 6:00 pm – Host/hostess needed

Lobster Fest – Saturday, Sept 23rd – 6:00 pm – Hosted by the Orndorff’s

Chili Cookoff – Saturday, Oct 7th – 6:00 pm – Host/hostess needed

Final Bash – Saturday, Nov 4th – 6:00 pm – Hosted by Ki and Erin Hickok


Thank you in advance to those willing to volunteer their time to assist in making our club a more enjoyable place to be. 


 Vickie Greenough – Social Chair

Jennifer Curtis – Asst. Social Chair


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