• Racing

    Racing – July 2023

    Fellow Members

    Since the last Telltales, we have had a very successful Mayor’s Cup Regatta with a very good turnout and many very delighted sailors for a spectacular two-day weather and racing experience.  It is uncommon to have two perfect sailing weather days in a row for our two-dayregattas but this one was exceptional.  Thanks to all our volunteers and PRO’s for their excellent work in making this such a positive event.

    Our next regatta is coming up this next weekend.  The ECSC Regatta is paired with our largest summer social event the Beach Party.  They both occur this Saturday July 15th.  The NOR and the SI are now published on our ECSC website on the racing page.  There is no fee for the regatta but will be a fee for the party which is handled through the Social Committee.

    The work on the utility pontoon boat (Aircraft Carrier) has been completed.  Thanks to Dennis Robertson, Perry Cameron and Charlie Brehob for their work in getting this difficult job completed for the club.

    The Summer Racing Series for Sunday and Wednesday are nearly complete and the competition has been very strong and close for the top positions.  Our Sunday racing participation is improving compared to previous years.

    Come out and join us or volunteer on the committee boat and just watch us!!

    John Kohne

    Nancy Goff

  • Racing

    Racing – June 2023

    Racers and Non-Racers

    ​The racing program is off and in full bloom.  The successful running of the Mayor’s Cup is the traditional marker each year that all the capacities of our program are up and running.  A big thanks to all our volunteers who have made this possible.  Congratulations to all those that won trophies and awards at the Mayor’s Cup this year.

    ​We have a full summer of upcoming ECSC and non-ECSC racing events this summer.  The Chasing Bubbles Event is coming up on June 17th and will offer various social and sailing events that all members are invited to attend even though the event is put on by the Chasing Bubbles Foundation and is a celebration of their mission and achievements.   Please check the ECSC website and Facebook page for details.  Then on July 15th is the ECSC Regatta followed by the ECSC Beach Party. In August we will have the Ladies Regatta and the Single-Handed Regatta.

    ​The new Primary Racing Officer race management program is going very well with great participation by all that are involved.  We have also had some super volunteers this year that are giving more than their share of volunteer hours to our racing efforts.  Many thanks to them.  The Sunday race committee effort is also drawing more attendance than last year, and we are hopeful this venue will continue to grow as more racers experience the value of this offering.

    ​Always looking for more non-racing volunteers to get a chance to participate in the race committee work on the water.  This is a very easy way for many to see racing firsthand without having to race your boat.  Come out and have some fun with us by volunteering by giving Nancy Goff or I a call.

    John Kohne

    Nancy Goff

  • Racing

    Racing – May 2023

    Racers and Non-Racers,

    ​The ECSC racing season is off and running.  We have had three successful Wednesday Night racing events with good attendance for this early in the year.  Many boats have not yet been launched but hope that the coming warmer weather will encourage more to get their boats out racing.  The Sunday races had a very slow start related to the very adverse weather for the two initial races.  The volunteer turnout for the race committee was 100% despite the weather and we very much appreciate the spirit of volunteerism for the new Sunday racing format.   Remember this year we will be having a race committee for the Sunday races.  This past Sunday we had a very good turnout and very good competitive races.

    ​Under the leadership of Tom Lauer an effort to revive interest and participation in the Green Fleet racing program is underway.  I hope if you are a Green Fleet boat owner that you will connect with Tom about future upcoming racing opportunities.

    We are still looking for both racer and non-racer volunteers for the sailboat races for the coming season.  We are experiencing an increase in volunteering this year so far but still have many open spots for any member to hop on board with our experienced PRO racing leaders and have a great time while helping the PROs run our races.  Whether you are a regular racer or an uninformed non-racer, we hope that you will sign up on SignUp Genius on the racing page of the ECSC website.  You will be doing yourself a great favor as it does not require any real racing or sailing experience to be able to function well helping the knowledgeable PROs run the races.  It is beautiful just being on the lake and the PROs will be delighted to help you “learn the ropes”.  The PROs know all that is required to run the race and they can instruct you on doing many of the simple tasks they need help with in running the race.  I know you will enjoy It and it is a great way to get an introduction to racing if you are thinking about trying it.  To volunteer you can sign up on the or call Nancy Goff or myself and we can help you sign up very easily. Remember you get 3 hours of work credits for this worth a total of $45 of your yearly dues. See you on the water!!

    ​Besides the Wednesday night and Sunday scheduled weekly racing events our first major invitational regatta event is coming up this June 3rd and 4th.  It is the Mayor’s Cup and hope you will register through the ECSC Racing page on the ECSC website.

    See you on the water.

    John Kohne

    Nancy Goff


  • Racing

    Racing March 2023

    Racing – John Kohne

    Racers and Non-Races

                The frost is very slowly melting from the racing off-season as your long hibernation begins to end, but many of your colleagues have forgone the winter sleeping to put together an exciting racing program for you this summer.  By the first race on Wednesday April 19th there will have been 4 Winter Race Meetings and two PRO Group meetings.  We had great turnout of 30+ members at the Winter meetings and nearly full attendance at the PRO meetings.

                As a result of these meetings, we have made some new decisions regarding the coming race season.

    1. There will be Race Committee support for all Sunday races in addition to the continuing Wednesday night and regatta support we have had in the past.
    2. The Blue and White Fleet start will be before the Red/Green start at all series races.
    3. The Sunday races will start at 1:30 PM instead of the previous 3:00 PM starts.
    4. There will be a Beginners and Inexperienced Racers training event and regatta this summer.
    5. Pursuit racing will be given a trial as an alternative racing format to see if it can make racing more inclusive and exciting for participants.
    6. Racing Program Volunteerism will be more easily accomplished and rewarded.
    7. A Racecourse Guidebook will be created to better standardize preferred races and their timing.
    8. We have doubled the number of Primary Racing Officers for this year to improve the racing experience for all and to attract new racers.
    9. We will be increasing the training for our Primary Racing Officers to create one of the best racing experience for sailors in our Midwest region.

    As you can tell our plate is full this year, full of FUN.  Don’t miss out on this year’s racing program whether you are an experienced racer or want to try it our for the first time.  See you on the water !!

    John Kohne

    Nancy Goff

  • Racing

    Racing July 2022


    Since our last writing, we have had the ECSC Regatta.  Despite several of our sailors being out for the Mackinaw races on Lake Huron and Michigan, we were able to field 11 boats in four fleets for the regatta.  Even though the number of boats was not large, there was a lot of good competition and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  There were three boats from the Purdue University sailing team participating…adding a very positive element to the event.  Les Miller’s team won White Fleet, Steve Earnhart won Blue Fleet, Ms. Chan from Purdue won Green Fleet, and Jan and Nan Wishard’s boat won the Red Fleet.  Our congratulations to them.

    We are started into the Summer Series racing season and have had very good participation, competition, and winds.  When I say good winds, I mean stronger than usual – not necessarily steadier!!

    Our next racing events are the Ladies Regatta on August 6th and the Indy 200 on September the 10th.  Please join our Wednesday and Sunday Series racing schedule whenever you are able.


    The Dedicated Race Committee project is still in progress and doing well.  We are finding that we are acquiring non-racer volunteers that are enjoying the racing experience as well as providing race committee help on many races instead of just one.  We still have more room for more non-racing volunteers.  If you are interested volunteering for work credits, please contact Nancy Goff or me.  If you are a racer, be sure to go to the SignUp Genius on the ESCS Racing page and be sure to sign up for race committee to get your racing credits.

    SignUp Genius (click here to sign up as a volunteer)

    John Kohne

    Nancy Goff