Commodore |
Bill and I hosted a great work party last weekend. We had 6 Purdue students volunteering with probably 10 ECSC members who showed up. We tackled a lot of projects including, 1) new flower boxes at the upper shelter, 2) reviving and mulching the flower bed next to the upper shelter stairs, 3) pushing back some brush that was encroaching on our parking area, and 4) assembling many new chairs that you can enjoy at the upper shelter.
This might be the first year we have a Gardening Committee. You may notice that we have a lot of flowers around the Club that we're going to do our best to keep alive through August and September. A big thank you to the below members who take 30-60 minutes every now and then to water all our flowers around the Club. If you'd like to join this committee, please reach out to
Mary Ann Titus Lots of big things in the works from our amazing Committee Chairs. Please see their article below to know what else is going on at our Club.
Harbormaster |
The music has is time to find your slip. Thank you for your cooperation and sharing slips while we watched the new docks get installed. June is here and that means it's time to have your stickers on and your trailer up in the meadows. I'll be checking on that this and I hope to not have any calls to make. If you're able to get into your slip this weekend, please let me know what your plan is. If you don't have a plan to get to your slip, maybe it's time to sublet to someone on the waitlist. The goal is to get boats onto the water and sailing. Next project is to continue to get the dry slips marked and assigned. Thank you....
Social |
Hello Fellow Sailors! Thank you to everyone who attended our Mother’s Day Brunch and Memorial Day weekend cookout! It’s great to see everyone coming together to enjoy the atmosphere at our Club. We’ve had awesome volunteers for these two events...helping us make the Club a great place to be! Don’t forget to checkout our posts on the Eagle Creek Sailing Club Facebook page. With June comes great wind and our Father’s Day Brunch. We are assembling our crew and need a couple more people. If you’d love to earn some work credits and have a great time, please reach out and let us know! Father’s Day, Sunday, June 16th at 11am, we will have our traditional scrambled eggs, sausage, and the return of our Bloody Mary bar. On July 6th we will have our Family Fun Day Cookout starting at 11am. Bring the kids and grandkids and join us for some hamburgers, hot dogs, and good clean fun! The Club will provide the main course and beverages for social events. We ask that attendees bring a dish to share in true pitch-in fashion. If you are interested in reserving any of the shelters located on the Club grounds for an event, you can find the reservation request form on our website at Please complete and submit for Commodore and Social approval. Depending on the number of guests, deposits and fees may apply. It is limited to 100 guests due to parking limitations. You may find all social and private events on the ECSC calendar located on the website. Below is a quick snapshot of the season’s remaining events. Those in bold font require RSVP and Pre-payment. More details to come closer to the events. If you have hosted events in the past and wish to host again, we’d love that! If you are interested in hosting or crewing for a certain event(s), please let us know and we’ll get your spot reserved. We try to make these events as fun and easy as possible. It’s a great way to earn work credits to apply towards next year’s membership and meet people within our great Club. If you have any questions, please always feel free to reach out!
Racing |
Our racing program is in full swing as of this time. By now, there have been several Wednesday night and Sunday afternoon races. Coming up in June is our first two-day regatta which by the time you read this Telltales will have been sailed. A new event that we are excited to try this year is the Green Fleet races coming up on Saturday June 8th. The details of this are on the ECSC Racing Page. Hope that many of you with Green Fleet boats will join us then. We are having this on an off day from our other racing events in the hope that many who own two boats often own a Green Fleet boat which they often don’t get to sail in deference to their larger racing boats. Get the spider webs off your Green Fleet boat and join us for a great time! Big thanks goes out to Erich Rose for all the work in getting the new docks into quick working order – they are a beautiful thing and no one really knows how much work he has put into making this all happen for us!! Our next major Regatta will be on Saturday, July 13th associated with the ECSC Beach Party. We have gotten our Safety Boat RIB back into working condition – special thanks to Karl Guerra. Tremendous jobs being done by our new racing program volunteers. Our great appreciation to the PROs, Assistant PROs, and Food Service Racing Assistants for the wonderful job they have done in making all run so well in the program this year!!
Junior Program |
![]() The next two months are very busy for Junior Sailors. We have camp starting on June 10th and running through June 28th. Campers will be on the grounds from 8:30-4:30 M-F. They will be on the water as much as weather allows and using the main pavilion in the event of bad weather and for a lunch break. We remind you that some of the kids have little to no experience on the water. So, please be mindful. Juniors will be competing in select Regattas this summer. We have 3 kids racing. More details to come. Finally, Olivia DeGrella has agreed to be Junior Racing Chair - Assistant for the remainder of 2024. She has already been working on a collaboration with Safety and Education to offer adults opportunities to learn to sail or improve sailing skills. Welcome Olivia and thank you so much for all that you have already contributed.
Safety & Education |
Women’s Dingy Sailing Course Safety & Education is super excited to announce that twenty-nine women have registered for the women’s dinghy sailing courses this summer. Because of the immense amount of interest, we have divided the summer into two five-week sessions. The first session will begin Monday, June 3rd, and the second session will begin Monday, July 8th. Beginning Monday, August 12th, we will facilitate open sail on Monday evenings for all women who took the course.
Vessel Safety Checks
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion- Happy Pride! Below is a link to US Sailing’s Leadership Forum: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series LGBTQ+ Community in Sailing. I encourage all to give it a listen!
History Committee
Please reach out to Abby Harlan if interested!
Eagle Creek Sail Club ECSC Home Page |