Welcome to the ECSC Classifieds page. This page is for members to post boats or sailing gear for sale or items they want to purchase. If you are a current or past ECSC Club member and wish to have an item posted on this page please email a description of the item (with a picture if you wish), the price, and your contact information to publicity@ecsail.org .
Your item and contact information will be posted for no less than an 8-week period, unless you request we remove the listing before this time, and then will be removed. If your item sells or you find the item you are looking to buy please email us again at the above email to have the item removed.
Most images can be clicked on to view larger and in more detail.
If you have or know of anyone looking to sell a J/24, I’d love the opportunity- thx!
Contact Thaddeus Rex
Text: 312-965-0026
(Posted 01/22/2025)