Mayor’s Cup Update
Mayors Cup is just around the corner!!! May 14th and 15th we will hold our first major regatta of the season. Race Documents and the registration form can be found online at under the racing tab. To Pre-register, send an email to with your boat name, skipper name sail number and class. That will pre-register you and you can fill out the form at registration on the 14th. Come out for great on the water racing, and off the water food, music and beverages.
Remember, the Mayors Cup party is not just for Racers anymore. All club members are invited to come to the party, hang with the racers, eat some delicious Yats food, enjoy some beer, soda, or water and listen to Catalyst Gypsee. The party starts around 5 with a Shellback Rum pour. The band will start around 5.30, and dinner is at 6.30. All this will only be $10 per person for the first dinner bought and $5 each additional dinner. Mayor’s Cup Shirts will also be available (while supplies last) for $10 per shirt. Racers, your $40 early registration fee includes one $10 shirt and your first $10 dinner. If we don’t get an emailed pre-registration the regatta fee is $45.
Wednesday Night Series
April has seen some great Wednesday night racing. The numbers are growing each week as the temperature continues to rise. Come check out the new tunes at the race shed. Special Thanks to John George and Brian for hanging the Liars swing in the race shed.
ECSC Match Race Championship
May 7th will be our 2nd annual ECSC Match Race championship. We plan to run this like last year’s event with an onshore primer on Match racing, then hit the water in a couple of club FJs. Last year, we raced several races in Flying Juniors and all had fun and learned a lot. Come check it out, meet at 11 a.m. at the race shed. Any 2 person teams that want to sail are welcome. Shoot me an email at and let me know if you want to race. Also, we will need help on the RC boat so come on out and have some fun.
Annual Flying Scot Regatta
May 21st and 22nd will be our ECSC Flying Scot regatta. This has grown into one of our best one design regattas. Last year, we had 15 boats from all over the Midwest. With only two local boats, that means almost all competitors come from other clubs, including the 2nd, 4th and 9th place finishers in the 2016 Midwinters. For the second year in a row, our own Tyler Andrews will be coming back to race. Tyler and his Father-in-Law, Harry Carpenter finished 4th in the 2016 Midwinters. Come on out and say “hi” to him. The race documents can be found on the racing website page.
Sunday Series
The Sunday series will begin Sunday June 5th with the first warning at 2 p.m. It will coincide with the Catalina 25 Club Championship. We have several Catalina 25s that now race. Let’s get them all on the starting line for three short races and crown a Catalina 25 champ! The winner will get one of our new Sunday prizes. Either a ECSC logo embroidered Fleece blanket, an ECSC Logo embroidered backpack, or an ECSC Logo embroidered sunhat. Even if you don’t have a Catalina, ALL ECSC boats are welcome to race on Wednesdays and Sundays. We ask that you fill out a PHRF form that can be found in a holder next to the race shed door. If you don’t have a form on file, we will still score you…. We just will have to use the base PHRF number.
Last month, we held a beginner race seminar. About 20 sailors brushed up on their Race Management rules and learned the ins and outs of our race boats and race gear. If anyone else would like a refresher or to check out our race management book it can be found on the website listed as race committee handbook. It has everything you need to know to run a race.
Rick and Janet from Racing