
July Miscellaneous Items

The club is in full swing.  Lots of activity around the club.  Lots of people staying late to enjoy the extended summer daylight.  It is normal to assume that if there are cars in the parking lot, someone else will lock the gate when they leave.  This could be a bad assumption for a number of reasons.  Make it a practice to lock the gate behind you when you leave after dusk.  The best way to remember this is that if you would have to turn your boat’s navigation lights on, then the gate should be locked when you leave.

Have you checked out our new web site?

Hopefully, you have had the opportunity to check out the new web site.  And hopefully, you have logged in and updated your member profile.  If you are having problems, please send me an email.

Speaking of emails, you can reach any of the club officers or committee heads by using the “Contacts” link on the left side menu.  Just select the person you want to contact and an email will automatically be sent to that person.

Wanted: Publicity Volunteers

With the new web site, we have a lot more content to post and maintain.  If you would like to help generate content or curate the web site, please send a note to Publicity on our Contacts page.

Geoff Endris

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